
  • First Two Weeks in Sapporo!
    These past two weeks have been very exciting! From Japanese Language and Culture lessons, to in elementary classroom activities, to amazing foods and incredible views, it has been so much fun. Our liaison has been very active in our experience, adding to a sense of comfort and security, as we know we can rely on them if we ever need. She has created an organized schedule for the two months that we are here, which include: elementary and junior high school visits, Japanese language lessons, city tours with local Hokkaido University of Education Students, and many more! The schools here…
  • TAB Welcomes Japanese Students!
    In February 2024, the Werklund School of Education was pleased to welcome 10 students from the Hokkaido University of Education (HUE) to our campus for one month. HUE students participated in English for Education classes and different Education classes and attended guest speaker seminars on a variety of topics. During their time in Calgary, they met and worked with many different University of Calgary students, including Werklund student volunteers as well as students in the Japan Studies program in the Faculty of Arts. HUE students also visited Drumheller, Banff, Lake Louise, and many different sites around Calgary.