
  • A Kiss on the Hand: A Lesson in Culture, Boundaries, and Relationships
    In addition to unparalleled kindness and never ending hospitality, we have also experienced something dubbed “Brazilian humour”. It’s been described as being completely- unique to Brazilians and at times offensive in nature, especially to those who do not understand it fully i.e. gringos. During one of the classes, a teenage boy came up to us to introduce himself. As is customary we shook hands. In jest, he attempted to kiss my hand. A little thrown off I quickly withdrew my hand and his classmates exploded into a symphony of laughter. Our personal guide (an older student at the school) was…
  • Brazilian Schools
    If you had asked me what I expected Brazilian schools to be like before I left on this trip, I do not know what I would have told you. In terms of size, I think I was expecting the schools to be much bigger than what I’m used to in Calagry, since Brazil has a much higher population than Canada. I also expected the schools to have fewer resorces than we do in the Canadian schools I’ve visited. Other than that, I had no set expectations for what I would experience here. Over the past month I have had the…
  • Falling into routines: What my day to day life looks like in Goiânia
    The past few weeks have flown by! It has felt so nice slowly developing a daily routine that I feel comfortable in. I have never been this far away from home before, and in the beginning, I was scared that all of the new things I was experiencing would never feel familiar to me. I couldn’t have been more wrong though, and now the streets that once felt so new to me are a sight I am reluctant to say goodbye to. My mornings start off almost the exact same every day. Brazilians start their day very early (or Canadians…
  • Food Culture
    “Barbecue may not be the road to world peace, but it’s a start.” – Anthony Bourdain I have always idolized Anthony Bourdain. He was everything I wanted to be: well-travelled, well-spoken, and not afraid to try new things, especially when it came to food. Although I was not sheltered as a child, I very much enjoyed dwelling within my own comfort zone. I was shy and did not come out of my shell often. Travelling changed everything and showed me a whole new world. I became increasingly more open to new experiences and allowed myself to fall in love with…
  • Setembro Amarelo
    Mental health awareness is an important issue for all educators, who are often the primary line of defence and information for their students. Educators have long recognized the impact of student’s mental health on learning and student achievement. The COVID-19 pandemic presented teachers, parents, and students with a whole slew of obstacles. Children already struggling with mental health issues and learning difficulties were particularly vulnerable to further delays and challenges. Having struggled with my own mental health issues, I decided to get my first degree in psychology. Mental wellness has since become something that I am incredibly passionate about. It…