
  • Tips for Hamburg!
    Schools In Hamburg, there are two kinds of school systems: Gymnasium, and the Stadtteilschule. For us, the Gymnasium is the test and grades based-pressures of IB/AP programs, but in its own separate system. This system starts in secondary programs – from Grades 4-6 and upwards – and then skips Grade 11, as Grade 10 in the Gymnasium is effectively the same as Grade 11 in the Stadtteilschule, before finishing at Grade 12. Stadtteilschule, meanwhile, are akin to public schools in Alberta, with students ranging in knowledge from -1 to -2 and even -3, all in the same classroom.  For Stadtteilschule,…
  • So Far in Hamburg…
    Guten Tag! Or as they say in Hamburg, Moin! We have been so busy over here between school, teaching, and being tourists (as I’m sure you can tell by this very late blog post), but it has been an amazing experience so far! Dan, Katherine, and I (Michaella) got together to compile a few highlights of our trip and some insights for you future TABbers about what life has been like for us in Hamburg…  Activities A highlight of the first month has definitely been the time we’ve spent with our liaisons from the Universitat Hamburg and the activities they…